The Quick Tip: Product Development Management Tools


The Quick Tip series features short (250-300 words) suggestions to improve your product development practices. The Quick Tip, covering one timely topic per issue,  appeared every six weeks by e-mail. The series ended in October 2008 after ten full years of publication.

In order to keep these tips short and still allow interested readers to pursue the topic further, the quick tip often refers to other sources.

Should you wish to cite a specific issue of this periodical, mention its date of issue and its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 1529-1928.

Listed chronologically, most recent first.

Date Issued


21 October 2008 What is the most important factor in improving product development?
14 September 2008 How do I manage risk on a project that keeps changing?
22 July 2008 Why is listening to the customer so difficult?
3 June 2008 Isn't the iteration that accompanies flexible product development wasteful?
18 April 2008 Is there a development process for flexible product development?
6 March 2008 What drives - or should drive - our product development?
28 January 2008 What do you mean by market shifts when you speak of flexibility?
4 December 2007 Does flexible product development complement or contradict lean product development?
18 October 2007 Does flexible product development complement or contradict phased development processes?
4 September 2007 What is the connection between flexible product development and project risk management?
20 July 2007 Is the CEO important to flexible product development?
5 June 2007 What is the connection between flexible product development and time to market?
24 April 2007 Whatever happened to best practices?
12 March 2007 How can I make our product development process more flexible?
20 January 2007 In general, how do I improve the flexibility of my product development?
8 December 2006 How can I make our project management more flexible?
24 October 2006 How can I develop products more flexibly by changing our decision making?
8 September 2006 How can I develop products more flexibly by strengthening teams?
20 July 2006 How can I develop products more flexibly by exploiting set-based design?
12 June 2006 How can I develop products more flexibly by exploiting experimentation?
22 April 2006 How can I develop products more flexibly by exploiting product architecture?
7 March 2006 How can I develop products more flexibly by working with customers?
19 January 2006 What is "green" product development?
6 December 2005 What is lean product development?
21 October 2005 How can we take advantage of globalization's product development opportunities?
27 August 2005 How can we improve the flexibility of our product development process?
22 July 2005 How is flexibility beneficial in developing new products?
3 June 2005 What are the keys to installing a new product development process?
4 May 2005 How can we accelerate the risk management process for accelerated projects?
16 March 2005 What if time-to-market doesn't completely satisfy our objectives?
21 January 2005 Should we depend on Sales to keep our customers happy?
6 December 2004 How can we complete our design work if marketing keeps changing the requirements?
21 October 2004 My boss frequently stalls on decisions. Is this fast time to market?
7 September 2004 What is lean product development and should we be using it?
23 July 2004 Where do we start in reducing time to market?
5 June 2004 What major trends do your see in product development?
23 April 2004 How can we come up with more/better new-product ideas?
5 March 2004 What can we do to "freeze" our product's specifications?
23 January 2004 How are other companies doing at managing project risk?
8 December 2003 How should we incorporate technology tools into our development process?
26 October 2003 How can I tell if we did well at developing our last product?
5 September 2003 Do "rapid" prototypes really speed up product development?
24 July 2003 Our team doesn't get much done as a team. What can we do?
6 June 2003 What else can we do to facilitate talking about risk?
25 April 2003 How can I manage my project's risk when my boss won't even discuss risk?
6 March 2003 How can we accelerate decision making, particularly in the fuzzy front end?
21 January 2003 When co-locating our team isn't practical, what can we do?
3 December 2002 How can I break out of the e-mail vortex?
24 October 2002 We call ourselves a team, but we don't act like one. What can we do?
6 September 2002 What are the biggest mistakes I can make in managing project risk?
28 July 2002 How can we get teams to use our product development process?
23 June 2002 How will improvements in managing project risk affect time to market?
25 April 2002 Is project risk management a methodical process?
25 March 2002 How do we understand, as a team, the risks that a project faces?
26 January 2002 Why do we have so much fire fighting, even when we manage our development process methodically?
8 December 2001 How can our cross-functional team make decisions that stick?
22 October 2001 How can we keep from being blindsided when world priorities shift?
9 September 2001 Should we be using a stages-and-gates product development process?
22 July 2001 Is there anything to know about failure beyond not punishing those who fail?
10 June 2001 I know that innovation is naturally chaotic, but can't we anticipate problems better?
22 April 2001 What resources on the Internet do other product developers use?
4 March 2001 How can I capture the voice of the customer?
21 January 2001 How can I make our plans to improve product development "stick?"
10 December 2000 Where can I read about new product development techniques?
20 October 2000 How do I hear the voice of the customer as I develop a new product?
4 September 2000 Doesn't rapid product development mean that quality will suffer?
23 July 2000 How can we avoid "technology push" without avoiding technology?
3 June 2000 How can we really benefit from rapid prototyping?
23 April 2000 What are some day-to-day tools for dealing with project risk?
19 March 2000 Haven't virtual development teams superseded co-located ones?
22 January 2000 What should my boss do to speed up product development?
5 December 1999 Should engineers be spending their precious time visiting customers?
17 October 1999 What is the essence of managing risk in a development project?
7 September 1999 How much does it cost to speed up product development?
3 August 1999 Can we accelerate product development using a "Faster, Better, Cheaper" program?
9 June 1999 How do I find truly valuable development process improvements?
29 April 1999 What can I do to start dedicating people full-time to one project?
10 March 1999 Why is it so destructive to split developers between projects?
21 January 1999 Are there situations where cost-of-delay calculations don't apply?
9 December 1998 Calculating the cost of delay

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