2004 New Product Development Quick Tips
How can we complete our design work if marketing keeps
changing the requirements?
This frequent complaint is a symptom of weak cross-functional team
Several years ago, product development managers recognized this weakness and
instituted new organizational forms, such as a vice president of product
development or core teams, and team training to improve interaction between
departments. Unfortunately, these improvements often have reverted to the former
silos, and globalization has exacerbated the deterioration.
Although development managers have put effective teams behind them as
"conquered land," when I lead training sessions in time-to-market, the item that
consistently comes to the top of participants lists as an opportunity for
improvement is better cross-functional teamwork. That is, the product developers
see an opportunity here that is not apparent to their bosses.
What can you do? I've found that different opportunities exist for each
organization, and thus the best solution works out differently in each case.
There are no universal answers.
Consequently, I suggest that you look at some of the current team literature
and search for approaches that will help you overcome your current obstructions.../Chapters.htm#CPD_Teams Here are some
- Our recent handbook chapter on Concurrent Product-Development Teams
- A book and some articles by Christopher Avery, who emphasizes the individual
skills required for good teamwork:
- If you are especially interested in the disruption that marketing initiates
with product requirements changes, consider how some of the agile software
development methodologies, such as Scrum and Extreme Programming, overcome this:
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My boss frequently stalls on decisions. Is this fast
time to market?
As counterintuitive as it seems, this may be a faster way to market, and it
may result in a better or cheaper product or in labor savings also.
Product development is essentially a chain of decisions, and we make
decisions based on currently available information. The longer we wait, the
better this information can be, so the better our decision might be.
The wisest decision makers explicitly think about the information needed to
make a good decision, and they proceed proactively to obtain this information
before they have to decide.
Often, the decision is a choice between two alternatives. In this case, you
can defer the choice by keeping both options alive and developing them further,
what we call parallel development. This is essentially a matter of developing
more information to make a better decision.
However, this strategy can clearly delay progress too. If you are going to
use it, you must understand your project's critical path and how it relates to
your decision, and you must decide before the decision falls on the critical
path. You should also know the cost of obtaining the additional information
relative to the benefit of delaying the decision.
Most importantly, this is not an excuse to procrastinate. Even before you
reach the point of procrastination, you should recognize that if you delay too
many decisions, you will be juggling too many balls, and your cumulative project
risk will rise.
For more on this subject, see Chapter 3, "Decide as Late as Possible" in
Poppendieck's book,
Lean Software Development
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What is lean product development and should we be using
Lean product development stems from lean manufacturing, which in turn, is
largely a repackaging of the Toyota Production System (TPS). As many companies
have adopted lean manufacturing, they have sought to make similar
transformations upstream in their new products entering the factory.
Although some of lean manufacturing translates to product development, much
of it can cause problems in translation. The classic in making the translation
is Don Reinertsen's
Managing the Design Factory.
Don succeeds by carefully selecting the techniques that do translate well and by
translating them at a high level. For instance, pull systems, small batches, and
queuing theory lend valuable insight to effective product development.
Other techniques can get you into trouble. The core practice of lean
manufacturing, for instance, is eliminating waste. Sometimes you have to look
carefully, even in the factory, to identify waste. Shingo, one of the leaders of
the TPS, identified seven types of waste, such as correction, inventory, and
waiting. Correction includes rework, which is undesirable in the factory.
In product development, rework also would seem to be waste. Our mantra is "do
it right the first time." However, the essence of innovation is re-trying things
until they work. If you drive out rework, you will have no innovation.
Consequently, the key in re-trying things is to do it efficiently and learn as
much from each failure as possible, not to eliminate the failures.
Probably the most useful recent book on lean development is Poppendieck's
Lean Software Development,
although you may have to translate some from software to hardware.
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Where do we start in reducing time to market?
Your first step should be to determine what flavor of time to market you
need. Faster product development seems to be a straightforward concept, but
there are some important distinctions to make. Here are some of the
1. Launch the product as soon as possible
2. Minimize variations in launch time
3. Minimize rework and wasted effort
4. Minimize development expense
5. Agility (ability to make late changes easily)
Raw speed (number 1) is important in some fast-moving industries, such as
fashions and consumer electronics. Minimizing variation (number 2) is more
critical for seasonal products or those launched through trade shows. Minimizing
waste seems to be the unspoken objective behind some approaches to accelerated
development, such as stages-and-gates. Due to increasing uncertainty in markets,
supply chains, and technologies, agility is increasingly important for many
Understanding your objective is the first step because the tools you use to
reduce "time to market"—as well as the results you obtain—will depend on your
objective. For instance, high-performance project teams are effective for
objective number 1, project risk management aims at objective number 2, strong
phase reviews fit with number 3, functional and matrix organizations align with
number 4, and front-loaded experimentation matches number 5.
Unless you select tools that fit your objective, you will not achieve the
results you desire.
For help in making these choices, calculate your project economics (see
Chapter 2 of
Developing Products in Half the Time) or read
our article, "Developing Your Products in Half the
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What major trends do your see in product development?
I see two trends—and they are on a collision course.
The first one stems from the relentless pressure to cut costs and from
management's inherent desire for predictability. It leads to our award-winning
risk management technique and to popular phased-development processes, such
as stages-and-gates or product lifecycle management, that control investments
The opposing trend recognizes that innovation is essentially unpredictable
and that excessive control is an unlikely route to breakthrough products. Add to
this the fact that our world is becoming more chaotic: lead engineers quit,
management changes, suppliers go bankrupt, new technologies exhibit unexpected
side effects, customers change their minds, and a competitors launch products
that exceed the ones we have under development.
Rather than an emphasis on controlling development, managers following this
trend instead find ways to deal with change more cheaply and less disruptively.
They enhance their organization's agility by
- Obtaining direct customer input early and often—and use it to guide their
- Applying technology to automate design and testing (automating change, so
to speak)
- Carefully deferring, staggering, and avoiding decisions that close doors
- Employing small, empowered teams
- Failing early—and learning from these failures
To learn more about leading the flexible organization, read Stefan Thomke's
book, Experimentation Matters
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How can we come up with more/better
new-product ideas?
Creativity is a highly admired trait. Most organizations wish they had more
or higher-quality ideas for truly new products. Although you can learn and
manage creativity, few managers are willing to invest what it takes to raise
their level of creativity.
Unfortunately, there are many obstacles to creativity in today's workplace.
The biggest is perhaps simply the time available to create. High-quality ideas
take time to ferment; the best ones are seldom the first that come to mind, and
pushing beyond the initial outflow is not natural.
Motivation for high-quality ideas must be intrinsic. Paying bonuses for ideas
fosters me-too excursions, not risky, breakthrough concepts.
The performance and metrics orientation of "best-in-class" companies
encourages sticking to one's knitting rather than venturing into the unmeasured.
I have seen several small, entrepreneurial organizations acquired by larger
command-and-control organizations that then squelched the very creativity they
Luckily, you can overcome most of these obstacles with attention once you
recognize them, and there are ways to stimulate organizational creativity. See
our review of the book,
Creativity, Inc
for details.
If you plan to apply your creativity to new-product ideas, keep one other
point in mind. Most organizations already have more new-product ideas than they
can squeeze through their funnel. If you stimulate creativity without making
other changes, this problem will become worse. You want higher-quality ideas,
not more ideas. Along with enhanced ideation, develop more efficient front-end
filtering mechanisms so that you can eliminate the weaker ideas earlier and
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What can we do to "freeze" our product's specifications?
The wish of every product designer is to start a development project with a
complete set of product specifications and avoid specification changes during
design. This makes life easier and more predictable.
Unfortunately, "frozen" specifications are mostly a dream perpetuated by
consultants and educators. They don't fit with realty. Colleague Don Reinertsen
has surveyed hundreds of product designers from all industries over several
years. He found that fewer than five percent of them had complete specifications
before they started designing, and in no case did the specification remain
stable throughout design!
Furthermore, Harvard Business School professor Alan MacCormack's research
shows that the most successful projects commercially were those that started
with only a rough idea of the product but built prototypes and obtained customer
feedback early in the project.
Together, Reinertsen and MacCormack suggest that frozen specs are neither
realistic nor wise, and others are also reaching this conclusion.
Does this sound like chaos? Well, this is the way the world is headed, so
rather than fighting it, you might be wise to build a development system that
tolerates change and chaos well - that is, an agile process.
There are several things you can do to improve your agility:
- Employ modular architectures to isolate changes
- Make decisions progressively rather than massively
- Exploit flexible technologies, such as rapid manufacturing and
programmable logic devices
- Arrange to make certain critical decisions late in the process
To learn more, see our column on
frozen specifications, read the article by Thomke and Reinertsen in
the Fall 1998 California Management Review, or consult the extensive
agile software development literature.
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How are other companies doing at managing project risk?
Not too well, and this is one reason why we decided to publish our book,
Proactive Risk Management.
Typically today, a company has a stages-and-gates development process, and
the first stage requires that the team identify and document the project's
risks. Because this is a required deliverable, it happens, and the risks are
discussed at the first project review.
However, this is as far as it goes, and the risks wait like a time bomb in
the project file. The development process doesn't call for analyzing the risks,
prioritizing them, or taking action against them. All of the benefit of
project risk management stems from these later steps, which seldom occur.
Worse, when the identified but unmanaged risks start happening later in the
project, it is embarrassing to the team and management to see that they had
identified this risk but then done nothing to prevent or prepare for it. It
would have been better to not have even identified the risks initially than to
set themselves up for this embarrassment.
So, don't get caught in this middle ground. Either ignore project risk
management altogether or complete the risk management process, even if only for
a few of your largest risks.
Of course, our book or our project risk management services will help you put
a beneficial project risk management process in place, but you can get started
easily by reading some of our articles on the subject, such as, "A
Portrait of Risk" or "Dealing with
Project Risks Successfully."
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